It's Time for the US Dept. of Labor to Re-Classify Infant and Toddler workers as Teachers!

· Infants and Toddlers

For decades, the US Department of Labor has classified Infant and Toddler teachers as "workers". They are the only group of educators to not receive the classification of "teacher" and yet these educators teach as much as any other group. Infant and toddler teachers combine care and education using a developmentally appropriate practice model to enhance the children's learning through experiences that enhance brain growth and keep them healthy and safe.

These educators are often thought of as babysitters to people outside of early education. What these outsiders don't realize is that we are play-based. What appears as simple work through play is a deliberate, scientifically proven, approach to developing the whole child. Play is fundamental to how children learn and the activities chosen are deliberate to help develop the whole child.

It is time for the classification to change. These educators are just that, educators. They deserve the same respect as every other teacher.